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Living a life to love


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Upcoming Events

CA = Community event

No public speaking events ​currently booked.

Openings available for ​speaking events.

Local Community Service River Cleanup Teamwork

About Us


We value honesty, authenticity and discovering the truth.

We value people, events and experiences.

We value opportunities to learn, grow, and gather.


To create an accepting and generous community, not bound by limitations or segregation.

A place where people can be, heal, grow & experience community minded qualities.


Provide a safe space to heal & know value.

Provide opportunities & foundations to learn about self & grow into relationships.

To build inclusive, mentally healthy & sustainable community.

Through her own life, Michelle had the opportunity to learn & grow after experiencing an unmatched love. Her study into the human condition, it’s desires and needs has led her to teach people about emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is a lost art in modern relationships and communities. Having EI means we are able to live and relate with freedom, genuine acceptance and compassion.”

Founder: Michelle Smic

Group of Friends Taking Part in Book Club at Home


Thinking for Yourself

Learn about personal philosophy and become more self-aware while enjoying and reflecting on a personal journey through life.

The Pursuit of Patience

Having patience is one thing.

Being patient is actively living with the understanding of our roles in relationships.

Take the challenge, your life will be better for it.

12 Laws of Humanity

An outline of basic laws to live in a sustainable, harmonious and accepting place. No frills, cause and effect understanding.

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